Sunday, January 11, 2009


I'll never forget the time I had to drive the old Lincoln on a three-hour trip. I didn't even try to parallel park that gargantuan vehicle. I pulled into an angle space and had my Mom deal with the town driving!

Official Definition


Roan said...

I planned to write a story using Lord & Lady Chadwick for this month's POW, but it became a project of gargantuan proportion, so I deleted the problem.

Alisa Callos said...

Walking towards the embassy drawing room, Princess Amelia delightedly accepted Reggie’s invitation to luncheon. Missing breakfast that morning due to Father Paulus’ precipitous arrival, and a brisk walk through the market had served to give her a gargantuan appetite.

Alisa Callos said...

BJ, I was so looking forward to the POW story. The pictures are great and I'm thinking of doing one myself with different characters.

lilly said...

Parallel parking is always a gargantuan task, that is beyond most drivers.