Monday, January 5, 2009


The girl remained abstinent from alcohol at the party because she didn't want to offend her friends who were opposed to drinking.

Official Definition


Alisa Callos said...

Hey Sunshine! Happy New Year...sorry I'm so far behind, I've been offline for a couple weeks to play in the snow with the kids. Will try to catch up this week. :)

"Sunshine" said...

Hey Alisa--it's all good. I'm glad you have had the chance to play with your kids. Happy New Year to you, as well :)

lilly said...

It was easy for the girl to remain abstinent from alcohol because it was an alcohol free party.

Alisa Callos said...

Princess Amelia quickly rang for her maid who summoned a physician for the ill man whose name was Paulus Akbar. Between moans, Father Paulus told of his work as a monk searching for stolen objects and explained how abstinence, fasting, and prayer had let him to her door.