Saturday, December 13, 2008


While digging a garden, the new homeowners found some jewelry cached in the backyard.

Official Definition


Roan said...

Lady Chadwick walked in the room just as Princess Amelia closed Lord Chadwick's safe, which contained a cache of his mother's jewelrey. Perhaps Princess Amelia isn't as she seems...

Alisa Callos said...

Ah, ha…the plot thickens…

Princess Amelia quickly palmed the fragment of paper hidden under Lord Chadwick’s jewels, thinking he really should have had better protection for his cache. Seeing Lady Chadwick enter the room she said, “Ah, Lady Chadwick, I was just about to come looking for you. Your housekeeper said I might find a writing tool with which to leave a note for a friend. I’m afraid I was clumsy and the ink spilled all over this beautiful carpet. You must allow me to pay for it of course.”

Kill Word Verification

Alisa Callos said...

Sunshine, You should check out this post.

Kill Word Verification